
The discussions of the AstroSim workshop are summarised in this document (in French) and presented along with three main recommendations.


High Performance Computing (HPC) has become an essential tool of all fields of astronomy and astrophysics. In particular, numerical simulations have become the tool of choice to carry out quantitative theoretical investigations, which take into acount the full complexity of astrophysical objects and their contexts, and reach a level of precision which matches the ever more demanding level of detail reached with observations. Today, numerical simulations of astrophysical objects have become the principal vector of the dialog between observations and theory, and they have reached a quality which allows us to use them for a direct interpretation of observations (from large-scale cosmological surveys to observations of atmospheric phenomena on the surface of giant planets).

As observations, simulations require high-performance instruments: super-computers. In less than 10 years, there has been a spectacular increase of the gigantic computing power that is now available to researchers, both at the national (through GENCI) and european level (trough PRACE). This is accompanied by profound evolutions of the methods used by specialists of numerical simulations. More and more research projects are now performed in close collaborations with software engineers. With exascale computers coming soon, such a professionalism of high performance computing (HPC) is expected to become more and more frequent. Like the other communities in France, astrophysicists must prepare to that transition.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working in France in all fields of numerical astrophysics, along with representatives of the HPC infrastructure at the regional, national, and European level, and key players in the forthcoming ExaScale HPC. Invited presentations from astronomers will both highlight astrophysical results and propose a reflexion on the evolutions of their work. Other invited presentations will present the expected evolution of the HPC landscape in France and Europe, both in terms of organisation and of technologies. A large number of contributed talks will complement the program.


Confirmed Speakers

Dominique Aubert (ObAS), Edouard Audit (MdS), Frédéric Bournaud (CEA), Razvan Caracas (LGL), Fabien Casse (APC), Benoît Cerutti (IPAG), Boris Dintrans (CINES), Yohan Dubois (IAP), François Forget (LMD), Philippe Grandclément (LUTh), Patrick Hennebelle (CEA), Pierre Henri (LPC2E), Laurène Jouve (IRAP), Guillaume Laibe (CRAL), Geoffroy Lesur (IPAG), Sophie Masson (LESIA), Michel Rieutord (IRAP), Roch Smets (UPMC), Aymeric Spiga (LMD), Pascal Tremblin (MdS)



Registration to the workshop is free and mandatory, and should be done at this page. Registration will close on July 15.

For convenience, we offer to organise lunches at the local CROUS restaurant. Participants interested in this option will be asked to pay 15€ per meal before the registration deadline. Possible options are to take 1 to 4 lunches, for a cost of 15 to 60€.

We will also organise a conference dinner on october 10th, in a typical "Bouchon Lyonnais", for which we ask a participation of 45€ per person. If you wish to join this event, you should also pay this online before the registration deadline.

If you wish to use the above option for lunches and/or participate to the conference dinner, we ask you to kindly make the online payment at this page, by credit card only. The deadline for this payment is mid-september.



Meeting opens on Monday October 8th, 11am.

Amphitheatre Descartes at ENS de Lyon (see Venue)


Jérémy Blaizot

Benoît Commercon

Sandrine Ramage

Stéphanie Vigner

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